Moving Moments

Downsizing Checklists

One of my favourite things about making moving planners and checklists is the feedback I receive from readers.

Dora from Arizona contacted me recently to say thank you for the Downsizing Checklist. She was moving from her large family home to a one bedroom unit and didn’t know where to start decluttering.

She said she wanted to go through everything herself as lots of items held memories. Dora told me she planned to start with one item a day – the first category was simply pens. She gathered all of her pens and pencils in one space and worked out what she would keep and what she could donate or should trash. She said she had a pile of hotel pens she had gathered on holidays – even though they weren’t working – it was the memory that counted.

After that she was on a roll, next was lipsticks and lip balms, then pegs and laundry bags. Dora told me that rather than feeling overwhelmed she was excited to start each day with a new challenge or two.

I was so excited to hear about her journey and was thrilled to know the downsizing became a positive experience for her.

If you are downsizing start looking at your possessions one category at a time…

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